TRAIN Service

Airport Service. Make your booking 24 hours in advance

Prices for reservations, via form, from Torrevieja to airports, Alicante and Murcia
These prices are the same for transfers from these airports to the municipality of Torrevieja.

North Torrevieja – Alicante Airport 55€ *

Center and West Torrevieja – Alicante Airport 60€ *

South Torrevieja – Alicante Airport 65€ *

South Torrevieja – Murcia Airport 80€ *

Center and West Torrevieja – Murcia Airport 85€ *

North Torrevieja – Murcia Airport 90€ *

Select a service, a date and a time, and fill in the personal information

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*+ 5€ Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and nights from 21:00 to 7:00 h. For more than 4 passengers price on request.